Ryland Brooks — News Flash for Dumb GOP Elephants

Ryland Brooks
2 min readFeb 12, 2021


Elephants, as you are no doubt aware are considered one of the most intelligent of Nature’s creatures.

However, there is a species of elephant that has jetted wwway past “not very smart” to totally deaf, dumb and blind.

That species is the “GOP” elephant.

This plodding creature lives in an “altrernate reality” which, not suprisingly given their (let me be kind) “mentally challenged” state, they imagine they can orchestrate and control.

Like I said, Dumb with a capital “D.”

Two of the foremost examples of the GOP elephant are Ted Cruz and Lindsay Graham.

Ted — you need to dip your trunk in a BIG vat of coffee(not just smell it) to wake up.

Even before your “patriots” attacked your place of business of Jan. 6, More than 52% of the people of Texas wanted you to resign.

Given that foreboding statistic, how on God.’s green earth do you expect to be re-elected?

You know those pesky democrats will AGAIN be re-playing the footage of your patriots heeding the call of THEIR president.

You know they’ll be contrasting that footage with your many (ahem) “misdeeds” in their TV ads.

You think the Donald is gonna save you? How? — he’s going to be barred from ever seeking federal office.

A fact lost on dumb elephants who can’t remember that all that takes is a simple majority of senators.

And, guess who has that majority Ted?

Yes, it’s those nasty constitutionally obsessed Dems.

And, maybe it’s just me. But I don’t think it’s gonna break Kamala Harris’ heart to cast vote 51.

The World, and I, are wondering what the Donald has on Lindsay Graham to turn him 180 degrees from: “He’s a racist,sexist, homophobic, bigot” to: “Jump? How high master?”

Lindsay you came a blonde c.h. away from gettring your butt whipped in the last election.

And, I guarantee at the next ballot box, ther Dems will pick up that whip and finish the job.

So Dumb GOP elephants — let me , in language, understandable even by kindergarten dropouts, connect the dots for you:

1. Trump can’t help you.

2. A vote for Trump is a vote AGAINST your re-election.

Your only hope is to exit your (soon to be crashing down) “alternate reality.” And for once re-join thinking, reasoning beings in the real World and vote to CONVICT the desposed, despotic (self-appointed) King.

But that would take some smarts. Wouldn’t it?

Not possible for dumb elephants.



Ryland Brooks
Ryland Brooks

Written by Ryland Brooks


Ryland Brooks is a politically/sartorially incorrect escapee from a major news network.His electic interests fuel his articles on everything under the sun.

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